This work uses the heart as a medium to portray emotions. To wear your heart on your sleeve is to bear your emotions for all to see. But shirts get dirtied, and can be changed. Can we really wash out the dirty laundry of our emotions and hang them out to dry? How is “taking off your shirt”, an aphorism for losing control of our emotions (or letting our emotions control us?), modified by the idea of wearing your heart on your sleeve? What emotions are we displaying with those ideas? The heart is the epicenter of emotion, the perfect canvas for displaying our feelings.
Often emotions have roots in other emotions. What can be seen as anger is caused by grief, sometimes grief can be caused by love. Without a “seed” emotion, love, for example, we would not be caused grief by loss. All emotions are interconnected, their roots intertwined in a complex web.
Often emotions have roots in other emotions. What can be seen as anger is caused by grief, sometimes grief can be caused by love. Without a “seed” emotion, love, for example, we would not be caused grief by loss. All emotions are interconnected, their roots intertwined in a complex web.